My 93-year-old Mum is no longer able to cope with my 88-year-old Dad, who has advanced Alzheimer's. He no longer knows where he is, nor does he recognise anyone (including my Mum). He needs help with every aspect of day-to-day life (dressing, washing, eating, toilet, etc), and in the last couple of weeks has become alot less stable on his feet - he never uses his zimmer frame, and has fallen 3 times in the last week, requiring my Mum to phone an ambulance as she cannot lift him.
Mum finally admits that, because she cannot pick him up when he falls, she can no longer take care of him by herself. Her strong preference would be for a live-in carer, partly so that she can continue to provide some care and support for him, and partly because she thinks she will be lost and lonely without Dad to occupy her. The care agency that we use for bathing Dad has told me that any live-in carer would not be allowed to lift Dad if he fell, which effectively renders the idea a non-starter.
Is the only option a care home, which Mum is desperately hoping to avoid?
