We went from all male all white to nearly all women nearly all white.

by Anonymousreply 84July 6, 2019 11:43 PM

Women have better voices.

by Anonymousreply 1June 26, 2019 3:46 AM

NPR is unlistenable. I'd rather watch Chuck Todd and Chris Matthews than listen to NPR.

by Anonymousreply 2June 26, 2019 3:48 AM

And all the news is about oprressed US Muslims and Latino Illegals.

by Anonymousreply 4June 26, 2019 4:03 AM

Male or female, I don't want to listen to their vocal fry anymore.

by Anonymousreply 5June 26, 2019 4:04 AM

Yes, MAJOR vocal fry.

In fact, I call it gravel voice.

(cos I is special)

by Anonymousreply 6June 26, 2019 4:06 AM

It’s all vocal fry, upspeak and “Soooo...”

by Anonymousreply 7June 26, 2019 4:24 AM

The dulcet tones of Teri Gross talking about the plight of homeless islamic trans sex workers.

by Anonymousreply 9June 26, 2019 4:33 AM

OMG. They were interviewing some nurse. It was the most intense version of vocal fry I've ever heard. It does seem to manifest especially hardcore when speaking of tragedy, stress, life's more challenging challenges.

by Anonymousreply 10June 26, 2019 6:36 AM

Here it is - I mean she is talking about bone marrow replacement, so vocal fry IS appropriate.

move the timeline along to 1:30

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by Anonymousreply 11June 26, 2019 6:41 AM

NPR= No Penised Radiocasts

by Anonymousreply 12June 26, 2019 6:43 AM

Women tend to make better broadcasters because they've basically experienced more, have more empathy, and take a wider view of a situation.

Males are usually more rigid and insistent.

by Anonymousreply 13June 26, 2019 6:45 AM

I'm a liberal democrat, but I can't listen to NPR. I don't care whose voices are on it

I can't watch MSNBC either. I know how shitty things are. I need to watch/listen to or about it over and over. That kind of shit is for the folks who watch fox news. Those fucktards watch/listen all day and get worked up. I don't have time for that kind of shit. I'm out living my life and trying to make a difference

by Anonymousreply 14June 26, 2019 7:32 AM

R4 Latino illegals? Did you really type that? Are you a deplorable idiot from Flyoverstan? An entire ethnicity cannot be illegal. Try the more honest "asylum seekers" and spare me your race baiting bullshit. What a moron.

by Anonymousreply 15June 26, 2019 7:37 AM

[quote]Latino illegals? Did you really type that? Are you a deplorable idiot from Flyoverstan? An entire ethnicity cannot be illegal.

That's NOT what he said.

by Anonymousreply 17June 26, 2019 7:38 AM

^^^ R17 is reading not your forte? What part of "All the news is about oprresed (sic) US Muslims and Latino Illegals" don't you get? People aren't illegal. They're people. Remember we tried the dehumanization thing back in the 30s & 40s and it didn't turn out so well.

by Anonymousreply 18June 26, 2019 7:50 AM

If you don't like hearing women's voices, I'm sure you'd be more at home listening to Rush Limbo and Sean Scammity or the hundreds of douche bros and cranky old men on other radio stations. OP an his ilk are the type of eldergays who refer to women as "fish."

by Anonymousreply 19June 26, 2019 8:05 AM

R19 — How many men were discriminated against illegally to achieve to the nearly all woman broadcast and reporting workforce? Think about that you asshole?

by Anonymousreply 20June 26, 2019 8:09 AM

So you don't care for Schweddy Balls?

by Anonymousreply 21June 26, 2019 8:10 AM

R19 Pay no attention to the misogyny of R20. You hit it spot on. Rude bitches in the house.

by Anonymousreply 22June 26, 2019 8:12 AM

[R19] Poor opressed white male and founding member of The He-Man Woman Haters Club; WeHo Chapter.

by Anonymousreply 23June 26, 2019 8:16 AM

Non diverse mono gender work forces are products of unlawful and unfair discrimination. Fact.

by Anonymousreply 25June 26, 2019 8:20 AM

R24 Pay attention, gurl! Ain't nobody got time to decipher your references.

by Anonymousreply 26June 26, 2019 8:48 AM

[quote] How many men were discriminated against illegally to achieve to the nearly all woman broadcast and reporting workforce?

I’m guessing none.

by Anonymousreply 27June 26, 2019 9:36 AM

R27 - none? How does the broadcast team become not just majority but overwhelmingly made up of women? No male applicants?

by Anonymousreply 28June 26, 2019 10:05 AM

It's not "unlawful" to hire women instead of men.

by Anonymousreply 30June 26, 2019 11:49 AM

I hadn’t noticed that, but there are a few women who have terrible vocal fry and THE ACCENTS.

There’s Zoey Chase and her obNOXious Chicago accent. It’s like a parody.

And Ayesha Rascoe, with her aggressive Ebonics (“hundrit” instead of “hundred”) inflection.

Just read the damn news. I don’t need your personality.

by Anonymousreply 31June 26, 2019 12:17 PM

R31 There have been numerous threads throughout the years on NPR's vocal fry and crude accents. Do you think you're into something? Are you new here or just dumb?

by Anonymousreply 32June 26, 2019 12:51 PM

Hello. This is Marion Mar-Shall(emphasis added on the upspeak), with your news update from the BBC.

by Anonymousreply 33June 26, 2019 1:16 PM

No not unlawful to hire women. It is unlawful to hire women exclusively.

by Anonymousreply 34June 26, 2019 1:17 PM

It's not about women; it's about the women on NPR with the terrible speaking voices. They are all younger women with terrible vocal fry, which makes them sound truly stupid. I no longer listen, except to the weekend quiz shows.

by Anonymousreply 35June 26, 2019 11:41 PM

I just can't stand when they have some nerd on who chuckles the whole time he's explaining something, all self-satsified, especially if it's a long interview like Terry Gross or something. It goes without saying that these are the same ones who begin their statements with "So..."

The recent Hidden Brain podcast about how people view agricultural animals versus pets had one such guy. I'm not explaining it well but you'd know it if you heard it. These guys who fake laugh the whole time they're relaying their observations, as if they are just soooo amusing if only you're smart enough to get it.

by Anonymousreply 36June 27, 2019 6:21 AM

[quote]r28 How does the broadcast team become not just majority but overwhelmingly made up of women? No male applicants?

Isn't NPR a non-profit? Men usually seek better paying jobs.

by Anonymousreply 37June 27, 2019 6:26 AM

Social conditioning dictates that men's voices are authoritative, women's voices are soothing. Deviation is off-putting.

by Anonymousreply 38June 27, 2019 6:42 AM

I do think vocal fry is ugly and off putting. I’ll turn the radio off if I hear it. I also believe it’s an affectation which makes it even worse—I have noticed that women from the same neighborhood and school don’t all have it, which means that some choose to speak that way intentionally. Anyone who does that shouldn’t be speaking in public, they should stick to shopping and being basic.

by Anonymousreply 39June 27, 2019 1:01 PM

Serrana, donde dormistes?

by Anonymousreply 40June 27, 2019 1:16 PM

[quote] Anyone who does that shouldn’t be speaking in public, they should stick to shopping and being basic.

The NPR people need to tell them to cut it out.

They don't HAVE TO do it. It's not a "regional accent" or a speech impediment.

by Anonymousreply 41June 27, 2019 2:10 PM

Even many of thew women they interview have terrible fry. It's pretty much uncontrolled amongst millennial women.

by Anonymousreply 43June 27, 2019 5:58 PM

[quote][R11] is painful

It's insane, isn't it? Whenever she talks about the "heavier" stuff is when the fry really kicks in.

by Anonymousreply 44June 27, 2019 6:33 PM

I don't know how people can listen to NPR. I had to hear a lot of it for a few days recently and everyone was so goddamn earnest and empathetic I wanted to spit. (And I do think it's a result of having more women in the newsroom.)

by Anonymousreply 45June 27, 2019 6:39 PM

Millennial women. They refer to “black and brown folks” on there too. That sounds so condescending.

by Anonymousreply 46June 27, 2019 7:04 PM

Do they still play cassette recordings of oppressed foreigners yelling while running through the streets?

by Anonymousreply 47June 27, 2019 7:26 PM

I've been a lifelong NPR listener but just can't do it anymore. I can't take the overly-casual, first-person referential stories now. Nothing is reported. It's related to us like the person reporting is my best friend. "Hi, Ari! What can you tell us about this terrible crisis in Nicaragua?" I simply stopped listening one day and am happier listening to podcasts and music.

by Anonymousreply 48June 27, 2019 7:27 PM

I have this theory that vocal fry is something girls develop to drive their mother's crazy. Trouble is, they grow up and drive everybody else crazy, too.

by Anonymousreply 49June 27, 2019 7:29 PM

R1 has never heard vocal fry in a female millennial. Let the ear bleeding begin!

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by Anonymousreply 50June 27, 2019 7:38 PM

[R49] I think they think it’s cute. Men don’t do it. It’s usually, though not always, young white girls. If it were up to me, I would never hire anyone that sounded like that. It’s unprofessional. You don’t want to work someplace that sounds like you’re at sunglass hut.

by Anonymousreply 51June 27, 2019 7:45 PM

A couple weeks ago, the local NPR affiliate had a special guest on, a guy who used to be the chief statistician for the INS (now ICE). The station kept teasing that the largest source of illegal immigrants wasn't people crossing the (southern) border; it's people flying in. It was clear that they were pushing this story in order to claim that the southern border should not be of concern. My NPR affiliate often acts as a propaganda arm of the Mexican consulate.

The guest, I forget his name, was very droll and full of facts and figures. He's a professor somewhere now. But he discussed the larger number of immigration violators who fly in rather than walk in. A couple times he tried to make clarifying comments, but got interrupted by the host. He said, "But this isn't an effective argument against monitoring the southern border, because the problem is the same."

The host ignored these comments. Then the statistician finally said, "The largest source of fly-in visa violators is Mexico, just as it is the largest number by land." And he continued, not about to let this moment get by: "Lower-skilled and trades working American citizens have been enormously financially injured by the immigration crisis of the past 25 years." "It would be very easy for the states and/or the federal government to enforce current, existing laws requiring citizenship verification of job applicants."

And the interview was essentially over at that point lol.

by Anonymousreply 52June 27, 2019 8:24 PM

And 3/4 of NPR women mispronounce "the". They say "thuh" when it comes before a vowel, like "thuh opinion" or "thuh iPhone". Actually it’s more prevalent among young women, not older ones, and a few young men also, so I guess it’s generational. Is this vocal fry? Where did it come from?

by Anonymousreply 53June 27, 2019 8:42 PM

[quote] Isn't NPR a non-profit? Men usually seek better paying jobs.

Non-profit can pay big as well.

by Anonymousreply 54June 27, 2019 9:14 PM

R48, I could have written your post. I don't miss the new NPR, but God, I do miss the old NPR.

Podcasts are full of men who believe themselves to be the hilarious geniuses I attempted to describe up thread.

by Anonymousreply 55June 28, 2019 8:18 AM

I'll probably get F&Fed and it's not my intention to provoke anyone whatsoever but the very nature of this thread is unhelpful to the advancement of gay rights. It stinks of misogyny and we need women as allies and they deserve our respect. Who gives a flying fuck about their accents or speech affectations if the content of their pieces advances the generally progressive message of NPR?

by Anonymousreply 56June 28, 2019 8:52 AM

Those women are allies of such "progressive" issues such as "trans" and Muslim rights. Gays? That's like sooooooooooooo over.

by Anonymousreply 57June 28, 2019 9:26 AM

[quote]this thread is unhelpful to the advancement of gay rights. It stinks of misogyny

You need to lighten up, Mary. See the funny side of things. You're too intense.

by Anonymousreply 58June 28, 2019 9:29 AM

R58 I know. Sorry for not wanting to be a sexist. My bad. I'll step out and let you guys enjoy the "funny" side of sexist oppression. Enjoy your thread.

by Anonymousreply 59June 28, 2019 9:43 AM

r56/r59 is fun at parties.

by Anonymousreply 60June 28, 2019 10:37 AM

R59 is a vegan lesbian with serious vocal fry.

by Anonymousreply 61June 28, 2019 11:23 AM

A thread about vocal fry is not sexist. Vocal fry is an aesthetic choice and can be criticized like any other aesthetic choice.

by Anonymousreply 62June 28, 2019 1:51 PM

This is true, R62. Men can be every bit as much tacky bitches as some vocal fry millennitwat.

by Anonymousreply 63June 28, 2019 5:27 PM

A lot of the men on npr sound like gawky 14 year olds with sparse mustaches and facial tics who start tugging on their ding dongs when they talk about Star Wars.

by Anonymousreply 64June 28, 2019 7:42 PM

Haha [R64] Joshua Johnson. Perfect name, too.

by Anonymousreply 65June 28, 2019 7:51 PM

I still listen in the hopes of hearing Ofeibea Quist-Arcton, reporting from Dakaarrrrrrrrrrhhhh.

by Anonymousreply 66June 28, 2019 8:17 PM

All Upreading? All the time?

by Anonymousreply 67June 28, 2019 11:50 PM

Finally, a safe radio station I can play at the women-only health club where I work.

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by Anonymousreply 68June 29, 2019 12:26 AM

R66 ! Thank you for mentioning the one thing I truly miss since I stopped listening to NPR. AND for putting her name in print. Always wondered how it was spelled :) Now THAT'S a voice!

by Anonymousreply 69June 29, 2019 12:35 AM

[quote]r56 I'll probably get F&Fed and it's not my intention to provoke anyone whatsoever but the very nature of this thread is unhelpful to the advancement of gay rights. It stinks of misogyny and we need women as allies and they deserve our respect. Who gives a flying fuck about their accents or speech affectations if the content of their pieces advances the generally progressive message of NPR?

Totally agree.

But I don't think most gay men despise women like OP does. The tone of this person's criticism of women is sad - - it's just a very juevenile, "I Want to Live in a World of ALL BOYS!!!!" voice. It makes me wonder how they possibly get by in the world, detesting half its population. And this person is usually all over the board, trying to drum up hate for women. It's sad, and puzzling. WHAT happened to MAKE them like this??

They're going to bust a blood vessel some day.

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by Anonymousreply 70June 29, 2019 3:10 AM

We need NPR but we also need to make fun of it. I absolutely loathe Joshua Johnson and I'm not sure why..I liked Dianne Rehm so much better and he's always on when I am driving. Always. I feel like NPR is playing it too safe. Just be liberal and own it.

by Anonymousreply 71June 29, 2019 3:23 AM

I don't necessarily listen to NPR because of specific announcers or reporters ... it's more that they interview interesting personalities, artists, etc.

Plus, they have a mellow vibe that's soothing while I'm driving.

by Anonymousreply 72June 29, 2019 3:57 AM

OP = Racist troll pretending to be a bean counter.

Ignore it. This type is learning to be more "specific" in their targeting.

by Anonymousreply 73June 29, 2019 4:18 AM

Kai "Wait for it" Ryssdal is not exactly pleasant to listen to.

by Anonymousreply 74July 1, 2019 8:00 AM

[quote]Women have better voices.

Why is it that so many posts elevating the supposed qualities of women are so completely unrelated to reality? Some women may have pleasant voices, but women reach annoying pitches far more often than men, and everyone knows that. Women are the only ones who, when competing for public office, risk losing votes because of their voice. Just google, "[female politician name] + shrew". The usual excuse is sexism. But how many times have I had to protect my ears when I heard a woman in a state of heightened emotionality (or trying to affect one) because her voice was piercing my eyes and making by eardrum shake? I'm yet to have that kind of reaction to a man's voice. Can eardrums even be sexist?

Far from being the result of a social, sexist construct, this distinction is completely natural. In the vertebrate world, the male is always the most beautiful of species - the one with the prettiest plumage or fur, the most beautiful song. It makes sense for men to have the most pleasant voices between the two sexes (or [italic]au moins[/italic] the least annoying one), just as we have the most beautiful faces when women go without makeup.

by Anonymousreply 75July 1, 2019 10:54 AM

This isn't NPR, but how can anyone listen to these voices. #2 was okay, but the others............

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by Anonymousreply 77July 2, 2019 1:49 AM

I've been called a misogynist and everything but a child of God for saying I find most female voices (but not all) shrill, high-pitched and eardrum piercing to say nothing of that heinous upspeak that even many female tv commentators and talking heads have! I can't STAND IT!

If you plan on being on tv, or doing a lot of public speaking, avail yourself of a speech therapist to maximize your ability to communicate effectively!

by Anonymousreply 78July 2, 2019 3:56 AM

Amen. But then, you would be dismissed as sexist.

by Anonymousreply 79July 2, 2019 4:15 AM

R74, I actually find Kai Rysdall's voice very pleasant and soothing. It's always disappointing to me whenever someone else is filling in for him!

by Anonymousreply 80July 2, 2019 4:28 AM

I love this thread. Another recent topic asked if you've ever been flamed on DL and what did they call you. My reply: SJW, black lesbian, woke millennial, frau, chick with vocal fry, etc. How funny. I'm a middle aged east coast townie blue collar guy. DLers love ad hominem attacks. The respondents to the current topic have once again shown their true tired colors.

by Anonymousreply 81July 3, 2019 7:51 AM

Did anyone else hear Nora Raum do "Today's Headlines" on July 4? She was slurring and garbling every word. It must be heard to be believed.

I have searched for the broadcast to link it here, but I can't find it.

by Anonymousreply 82July 6, 2019 5:47 PM

NPR is both sides do it BS, which is a default pro-right wing position. Both the men and women on it engage in this bias. To hell with it.

by Anonymousreply 84July 6, 2019 11:43 PM
