The Bold and the Beautiful debuted in 1987 and is currently one of the longest-running soaps on TV today. The show follows the Forrester family, who rule the fashion world while also trying to navigate their personal lives and drama.

In recent years, fans have become very critical of the show’s fashion and costuming choices, not holding back on what they think of the outfits. Steffy recently wore a white monochrome look fans say is right out of Clueless.

‘B&B’ is set in the world of haute couture, but the characters don’t dress like it

My Gawd!! Sure…the storylines are trash as usual…but I'm sooo distracted by the horrible costuming of every episode that I don't even notice their dialog!
HELP them DRESS better!!!!

— Adopt Don't Shop??Blue Independent?PacificCoast (@twilahlefarge) February 18, 2021

The entire premise of B&B surrounds the Forresters as they run their empire and work in haute couture. Many of the storylines usually involve designers trying to get their work featured on Forrester Creations and being willing to do anything for their big break.

However, the outfits in the series make it difficult to believe that anyone on the show actually works in haute couture. BBC reports that a single evening haute couture gown can cost as much as $300,000, but the actors on the soap don’t actually wear expensive clothes.

In an interview with SheKnows, B&B‘s costume designer Birgit Muller revealed that they source their outfits from ordinary mall brands like Karen Millen. “Steffy Forrester is often dressed in department store brands, too. Steffy’s clothing was bought at Macy’s,” Muller said.

Steffy’s feather bottom miniskirt took ‘B&B’ fans back in time

As a Forrester, Steffy is one of the most stylish characters in B&B, and her outfits have often sparked debate among fans who can’t agree whether she is a fashion icon or not. Steffy recently wore a white monochrome outfit consisting of a white mini jacket with feathered cuffs, a feathered bottom miniskirt, and a white beret. Fans were not happy about the outfit.

One user asked on Reddit, “I’m sorry, what is this? Did Frosty the Snowman dress her today?” Another user said, “It makes me think of the movie Clueless.” Many users seemed to think so as well, with one writing, “That was my first thought too!” Another fan said, “I couldn’t put my finger on it, but YES. That’s it!”

One fan couldn’t understand why the characters in B&B work in the fashion industry but still manage to wear “the ugliest clothes.” One fan called Steffy’s outfit “a hot freaking mess,” saying she looked like “an ice skater mated with a snowman.”

One user said they found it unrealistic that Steffy always looks so put together, even at home, asking why she doesn’t own a pair of sweatpants or two. While many users thought the outfit reminded them of Clueless, one user said it gave them an Emily in Paris vibe.

‘Clueless’ left its mark on fashion

Clueless premiered in 1996, and while over two decades have passed, its impact on the fashion industry continues to be felt today. The ’90s were known as the grunge era, but Clueless proved that girly thigh-high stockings and matchy-matchy plaid outfits were as fashionable as the overly popular bland flannel and baggy jeans.

Cher Horowitz and her best friend Dionne Davenport wore matching outfits fresh off the runway that remain relevant even by today’s fashion standards. A good example is her white Calvin Klein dress that she gives a shout-out to when her father asks her about it.

Clueless was ahead of its time in every aspect. We all remember watching the movie for the first time and wishing we had a computer-generated revolving closet that gave us fashion advice on what works.

Technology today has made it possible for us to have that gah-mazing closet, and the outfits from the movie keep making their way back into trends — even on The Bold and the Beautiful — proving Clueless‘s timelessness.
