He enlisted in either March 1967 or in July 1967 and served at Fort Knox in the 100th Division (Training) of the U.S. Army Reserve until August 15, 1967. He was assigned Selective Service number 15-131-42-44.

His Wikipedia entry backs this up:

He graduated with honors from the University of Louisville with a B.A. in political science in 1964. McConnell was student body president and a member of the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity. He has maintained strong ties to his alma mater and "remains a rabid fan of its sports teams."[6] Three years later, McConnell graduated from the University of Kentucky College of Law, where he was president of the Student Bar Association.

Addison M. McConnell, Jr., reported for duty as instructed, possibly in April or May, 1967. After that, though, things get murky. Convoluted explanations, obfuscations, outright denials, ("Senator McConnell had polio as a child and he never served in armed services.� said Robert Steurer, press secretary for McConnell in Washington. �I am not aware of him ever serving.�) and a strange little bombshell--maybe--below the arabesque.

Hillbilly Report tried to dig into McConnell's military record as best they could. They requested his Selective Service records, and basically ran into a brick wall.

December, 2007 we submitted a request for the Selective Service Classification Records for Senator Saxby Chambliss, Rep Tom Tancredo and Senator Mitch McConnell. When we received the Selective Service Classification Records from the Selective Service System all of the records were included with the exception of Senator Mitch McConnell's and his was an extract put together by Richard Flahavan, Associate Director for Intergovernmental Affairs.

When Richard Flahavan was questioned about sending us an extract of Senator Mitch McConnell's Selective Service Classification Record, he responded in writing that " Selective Service no longer has access to Selective Service records for men born prior to 1960."

Knowing that we had already received the full Selective Service Classification Records for Senator Saxby Chambliss, Rep Tom Tancredo born in 1943 and 1945 respectively we felt that Richard Flahavan was possibly covering for Senator Mitch McConnell. In Richard Flahavan's extract he writes "the U.S. Army ordered him to undergo an Armed Forces Physical Examination which he did July 9, 1967. Apparently, he did not pass because he was released from the U.S. Army Reserve August 15, 1967."

I just love that word apparently!

But as they reported, Mitch McConnell "apparently" never HAD an Armed Forces Physical Examination: Photo from Mitch McConnell's service
