Also, I'm not an expert, but from what I've read I think that it is a natural reaction for men to get aroused by a partner's infidelity, and that this reaction is left over from ancient times. The penis is shaped to effectively penetrate the vagina and deposit semen deep inside where it has the best chance to fertilize a woman, but it's also designed to "scoop out" a competitor's semen via the ridge under the glans. Thus, the arousal is there to drive you to have sex with her as quickly as possible after her infidelity to increase your chances of fertilizing her rather than your competitor. In fact, I've read studies that show that a man's sperm count increases dramatically in this situation, even if the man is only fantasizing about the infidelity and masturbating. But, we are no longer cavemen, and the conditioning of modern society against infidelity could bring overwhelming emotions once the adrenaline wears off. In addition, I'm no fan of humiliation, especially when it involves a competitor of any kind.
But I ultimately believe that you should do whatever makes the two of you happy. Just make sure you think carefully before you act, and be ready to lose the relationship that you have with your wife if things turn sour.
Good luck.