The spine-chilling murder case of Nicole VanderHeyden is all set to be revisited and explored in the upcoming Episode 11 of the top-rated and highly engaging true-crime series, Dateline: Unforgettable Season 2.

The brand new episode, titled Justice for Nikki, will be aired on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, at 8 PM ET, exclusively on Oxygen. The official synopsis for the episode, released by Oxygen, reads:

"Andrea Canning looks back on the case of a fitness tracker who helps detectives solve the mystery of a young woman's death in Wisconsin; Andrea confronts the killer in a tense interview."

In May 2016, a 31-year-old mother and teacher from Green Bay, Wisconsin, named Nicole VanderHeyden, was brutally murdered by a 40-year-old man, George S. Burch.

Since Oxygen dropped the news about the upcoming episode, viewers have been quite curious to see how the devastating true-crime story will unfold. Without further ado, let's jump right in to find out more about the heart-wrenching murder of Nicole VanderHeyden.

5 significant facts about the Nicole VanderHeyden murder case

1) Nicole VanderHeyden was a teacher and mother of three

A still of Nicole VanderHeyden (Image Via Oxygen/Google)

Nicole VanderHeyden was reportedly a teacher and a loving mother of three children from Green Bay, Wisconsin, when her life tragically ended. She was 31 years of age at the time.

VanderHeyden was engaged in a romantic relationship with her boyfriend Douglass Detrie, who was 35 years of age at the time. The couple used to live together in Ledgeview, Wisconsin. They went on to have a child together who was only six months old at the time of the murder. VanderHeyden had two children from his previous marriage as well.

2) Her relationship with her boyfriend

A still of Nicole VanderHeyden and her boyfriend Douglass Detrie (Image Via CBS News/Google)

Initially, Nicole had a great romantic relationship with her boyfriend Douglass Detrie. However, with time, it seemed that their relationship had started to become quite bitter. Although they had a six-month-old baby together, they constantly argued and fought with each other.

On the day of the tragic incident, May 20, 2016, Nicole and Douglass had arranged for a babysitter to watch their baby before going to a bar with their friends to see a glam-rock band perform. However, the couple began to argue at the bar as well and they reportedly had a pretty big fight.

3) Nicole was reported as missing by her boyfriend

That night, after the couple's big argument, Nicole went to a bar called the Sardine Can. She informed her boyfriend about it, but he did not come. Douglass instead ended up going home. Nicole did not return home that night.

The very next day, at around 4 pm, Nicole's boyfriend reported Nicole missing to the police. A few days later, Nicole's unrecognizable dead body was tragically found in a field just three miles away from their home.

The victim reportedly endured a lot before taking her last breath. She was inhumanly beaten and strangled to death. Her body was then thrown in the field.

4) A stranger killed VanderHeyden

A still of George S. Burch (Image Via Oxygen/Google)

A 40-year-old man from Wisconsin named George S. Burch brutally cut short the life of the 31-year-old mother Nicole. Burch used to work with the police system.

Initially, the man did not confess to his heinous crime and suggested that Nicole's boyfriend was the murderer. However, as the investigation went deeper, more evidence emerged, and investigators discovered that Burch was indeed the murderer.

5) What happened to George S. Burch?

A still of George S. Burch (Image Via Law & Crime/Google)

George S. Burch was found guilty of first-degree murder of Nicole VanderHeyden in 2018.

He was convicted on March 1, 2018 and received a sentence of lifetime imprisonment without any chance of parole for his crime. He is currently serving his life sentence at the Wisconsin Secure Program Facility.

Don't forget to watch Dateline: Unforgettable Season 2 Episode 11, on August 16, 2022, at 8 PM ET, only on Oxygen.

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