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Leonardo DiCaprio can be considered one of the biggest movies stars in Hollywood for two decades now. Still, despite having a significant portfolio of movies, he also missed out on working in some of the best films today. One of the reasons Leonardo DiCaprio is as successful as he is today is because he picks on the right movies to work on. For this reason, most people have the assumption that if DiCaprio is in the cast, the film is as good as it gets.

With a career like that of DiCaprio, it is always a fun time to check out on his filmography and check out his performances in each movie. The actor has spent so much time and effort in his career to upend the expectations of the movie audiences – from being a matinee idol to being a grim poet to a tortured soul. Though he may have a great list in his filmography, it is safe to say that he also did missed out on a lot of great movies as well, listed below are some of the movies he could have been part of but chose not to.

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Interview With The Vampire

During the earlier part of the 90s, DiCaprio is still startng to put the pieces together to get the success in the movie industry. It was a pivotal time the actor and during that time, he was in line to play the interviewer role in the film Interview with the Vampire. The film is about a bicentennial vampire, Louis, who decided to tell his story to one eager biographer. The role was supposed to be for River Phoenix, however after he passed away, the producers decided to go with Christian Slater for the role of the interviewer. Slater received $250,000 for the said role which he eventually donated to two of Phoenix’s favorite charities.

Batman Forever

During the casting of the film Batman Forever, it was reported that Director Joel Schumacher was interested to have the younger DiCaprio play the role of Robin. During that time he was also keen on doing the role as he even screen tested to play the part however Chris O'Donnell eventually got the role in the film and in the subsequent sequels as well. It was reported that O'Donnell got about $1.5 million all in all from all the portraying the role of Robin throughout the franchise.

Star Wars Episode II - Attack Of The Clones

The iconic role of Anakin Skywalker had tons of actors lined up to embody the character including Paul Walker and Leonardo DiCaprio. The two actors mentioned could do amazing portrayal for the role but ultimately, it was Hayden Christensen who triumphantly snagged the role of Anakin Skywalker. It was Lucas to took the chance to get Christensen to play the role. It was reported that Christensen made about $1.5 million for his portrayal.

Angels & Demons

Following the success of the Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons is in line as a hot serving to follow up the buzz created by Da Vinci Code. During that time, the role of the lead Camerlengo Patrick McKenna is up for grabs but Tom Hanks reportedly personally offered it to Leonardo DiCaprio however DiCaprio does not seem interested to take the role so he decided to turn it town. The role DiCaprio turned down eventually went to Ewan McGregor who reportedly made almost $2 million in salaries alone.


Finding the best actor to play the role of Spider-Man during the 2000s is critical as the movie franchise was still starting at the time. It was rumored that DiCaprio was a strong contender at the time to play the friendly neighborhood superhero, Spider-man. However, DiCaprio did not end up taking the role but it went to his best friend, Tobey Maguire and was actually well received by the movie and comic fans. It was reported that Maguire made a whooping $4 million in the first Spider-Man movie alone.

Cold Mountain

Leonardo DiCaprio was one of the first choices to portray the role of Jude Law in the film Cold Mountain however it eventually went to Jude Law. The movie is a classic story of devotion and love against the backdrop of the American Civil War. It was about a wounded soldier played by Jude Law who is aiming to return to his young wife played by Nicole Kidman. It performed so well on the box office grossing $165 million and has become one of the best films on that year. Not only did DiCaprio missed out on this golden opportunity to play the role but he also missed out on a $10 million salary for the role which is the reported salary Jude Law got for the movie.

The Matrix

A lot of popular actors were considered to play the lead role Neo in the film The Matrix, including Leonardo DiCaprio. During that time, a lot of the actors are hesitant to take on the role and DiCaprio was worried that the movie will use excessive special effects which he did not like. Ultimately, it was clear as day that the role was made for Keanu Reeves as the movie made him much more successful than he already is. The movie which Leonardo DiCaprio chose not to work on has made Keanu Reeves about $100 million in salaries and bonuses.

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Sources: Style Caster, Celebrity Net Worth, The Things, IMDB, What's Their Net Worth, Cattle Auditions
