Judy Fridono Obituary, Death Cause – It is with heavy hearts that we come together to honor the memory of Judy Fridono, a remarkable individual whose life was forever transformed by the extraordinary therapy surf dog Ricochet. Judy’s journey was marked by her unwavering dedication to breeding and training therapy dogs that changed countless lives for the better. We also celebrate Ricochet, the inaugural NSAM Purple Poppy Animal of the Year, whose partnership with Judy touched the hearts and souls of so many. Our deepest condolences go out to Judy’s family and the numerous individuals whose lives she touched so profoundly. Judy Fridono’s journey through life was one characterized by compassion, resilience, and an unyielding commitment to making a difference. Her life’s work, epitomized by her beloved therapy surf dog Ricochet, exemplified the transformative power of canine companionship.

Ricochet, a remarkable service dog, and therapy surf dog, was more than just a loyal companion; she was a catalyst for profound change in the lives of countless individuals. Judy’s initial intention was to train Ricochet to assist a person with a physical disability. However, life had other plans for Ricochet, plans that would extend far beyond physical assistance. The remarkable journey of Ricochet took a pivotal turn when, during a fateful day, she made an independent decision to jump on the surfboard of a 15-year-old boy with a spinal cord injury. In that moment, she transitioned from being a service dog to becoming a “SURFice” dog, a term coined to capture her unique role in surf therapy. She became the only canine-assisted surf therapy dog on the planet, opening doors to uncharted territory in the world of therapy animals.

Surfing was merely the catalyst that catapulted Ricochet to the forefront of the certified therapy dog field. Her remarkable journey saw her raising over $1 million for more than 250 different human and animal causes. Ricochet’s ability to touch the lives of those she interacted with was nothing short of extraordinary. What set her apart as an exceptional therapy dog was her innate ability to forge immediate, heart-to-heart, and soul-to-soul connections with individuals. Ricochet had a unique gift for intuitively and empathically alerting to the emotional and physical changes in those she interacted with. This profound sensitivity allowed her to provide healing interventions that went beyond the realms of traditional therapy. She was a beacon of hope for many, offering a comforting presence and unconditional love to those in need.

The connection Ricochet formed with service members and veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was nothing short of miraculous. Her intuitive understanding of their needs defied scientific explanation. In the presence of a military member, it was as though Ricochet could read an entire book about them in a matter of seconds. She knew what they needed, and she provided it with unwavering dedication. Ricochet’s work extended far beyond the shores of the ocean; she balanced boards and lives, bringing hope, healing, and happiness to countless individuals. Her legacy serves as a testament to the profound impact that the bond between humans and animals can have on the well-being of individuals and communities.

In Judy’s words, as she accepted the NSAM Purple Poppy Award on behalf of Ricochet, she encapsulated the essence of their incredible journey. Judy expressed her initial intention for Ricochet to be a service dog, but Ricochet had different plans. Her partnership with Ricochet, who transitioned from service dog to “SURFice” dog, transcended the boundaries of physical assistance. Through the act of surfing, Ricochet launched herself into the world of therapy, becoming a source of inspiration and transformation. She facilitated healing not only in the realm of physical therapy but also emotional and spiritual healing, touching the hearts and souls of individuals in profound ways. The profound connections Ricochet formed with those she interacted with were indeed remarkable.
