Mark Wahlberg has revealed his daily schedule, and it is an insane day that will leave most people wondering how he sticks to his routine.

The actor/restaurant owner is in high demand these days. He not only has to stay on top of all his business ventures but also make sure he has quality family time. Wahlberg has found a way to ensure nothing falls through the cracks, but it involves him sticking to a very tight schedule that has him waking up at 2:30 a.m. and going to bed at 7:30 p.m., according to BBC.

Wahlberg revealed his daily routine as part of a question and answer session with fans on Instagram, leaving most of his followers in shock by his regime. The first thing he does when he wakes up, which is in the middle of the night, is pray for a half hour. Then it is time to eat breakfast and head to the 95-minute workout that keeps his 47-year-old body looking killer.


After his workout, the father of four eats a meal and takes a shower. Wahlberg loves to play golf and schedules it into his daily routine, after his shower but before his morning snack and cryo chamber recovery. The later helps with his muscle and joint pain. He completes all of these activities before 10 a.m., which is when most of us are just settling into our workday.

The Wahlburgers owner has another snack before 11 a.m. and then spends the next two hours with his family, working on business deals, and answering emails. Even though he gets up super early, Wahlberg does not eat lunch until 1 p.m. before spending another couple of hours doing work. At 3 p.m., it is family time as he picks his kids up from school before having another snack to fuel him for workout number two. Dinnertime in the Wahlberg house is 5:30 p.m. where he focuses solely on his wife and kids for two hours before heading to bed at 7:30 p.m.

Every single second of Mark Wahlberg's day is planned out, and honestly, we have to say it is so not for us. Hats off to him for being dedicated and focused, but it seems a little extreme. He does fit it all in and makes sure no aspect of his life is suffering, but it doesn't sound like much fun to us, what do you think?

