Jobs/History Some jobs offered are dress makers, bakers, blacksmiths, cobblers and farmers. The printer is just one job of the Southern colonies. The printers write and print newspapers for all to see. The farmers in the south often had big plantations and had slaves work on them.Click to see full answer. Then, what colonies were in the southern colonies?The Southern colonies included Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, and Georgia.Beside above, what was the Southern colonies religion? Religion – Most people in the Southern Colonies were Anglican (Baptist or Presbyterian), though most of the original settlers from the Maryland colony were Catholic, as Lord Baltimore founded it as a refuge for English Catholics. In this way, how did the southern colonies make money? The southern colonies’ economy was based on agriculture (farming). The cash crops of the southern colonies included cotton, tobacco, rice, and indigo (a plant that was used to create blue dye). In Virginia and Maryland, the main cash crop was tobacco.What made the southern colonies so successful?They were very successful due to a warm climate, rich soil, and long growing season. These conditions promoted an agricultural based economy in the South. They grew rice, indigo, and tobacco.
